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Elon Musk has a lot to lose — or gain — based on who wins the presidential election

Amanda Smith

Elon Musk has been flexing his power as a political influencer in recent years. Whoever wins the White House could drastically impact …

Genetic discoveries map out your health risks, if you can keep up with them

Rachel Carter

Genetics discoveries are rapidly identifying the people at greater risk for cancers and other diseases, but researchers at HealthPartners are concerned that …

Hamas response to Gaza ceasefire proposal ‘consistent’ with principles of US plan, leader says

Amanda Smith

CAIRO (Reuters) -Hamas’ response to the latest Gaza ceasefire proposal is consistent with the principles put forward in U.S. President Joe Biden’s …

‘I don’t get no respect’ but dads still loved on Father’s Day even if Mom gets better gifts

Amanda Smith

Before the advent of the cellphone, Mother’s Day was traditionally the busiest of the holidays for calling, surpassing even Christmas, while Father’s …

Prince Louis Busts Some Moves, Effortlessly Overshadows Mom Kate

Laura Davis

LONDON—It is no easy to task to overshadow the most famous woman in the world, especially when she is making a feverishly …

‘DOGE much larger than D-List celeb memecoins:’ MOTHER, DADDY divide the community

Jessica Roberts

Celebrity memecoins like $MOTHER and $DADDY faced volatility despite community support. Robert Leshner of Superstate acknowledged the cultural impact of memecoins like …

UFC on ESPN 58 results: Tatsuro Taira’s back takedown leads to Alex Perez knee injury

Daniel Miller

Japan’s Tatsuro Taira kept his unbeaten record intact, but an injury to Alex Perez was an anti-climactic finish to an exciting flyweight …

Biden’s pledge with G7 leaders clouded by Trump’s possible return

David Turner

President Biden announces security agreement with Ukraine President Joe Biden and President Zelenskyy announced a security agreement at the G7 summit giving …