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As bird flu runs rampant through dairy farms, concern grows

Rachel Carter

Bird flu has already spread to wild birds, chickens and mammals, including a polar bear and an alpaca. The more widespread it …

Biden campaign plans robust push centered on reproductive rights ahead of Dobbs decision anniversary

Amanda Smith

The Biden campaign plans to mark the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision …

Northeast and Midwest prepare for dangerously hot temperatures and heat dome

Amanda Smith

Things are about to heat up in much of the U.S. with dangerously hot temperatures in the Midwest and Northeast next week, …

The Rolling Stones perform hit-filled set at Cleveland Browns Stadium

Laura Davis

CLEVELAND, Ohio – OK, let’s get this out of the way. The core trio of The Rolling Stones are old, pretty darn …

Eva Longoria, 49, adores this L’Oreal anti-aging eye cream — it’s down to $18

Olivia Martin

When you reach a certain age, having a fresh face every morning can be … challenging. What’s equally as challenging is finding …

DAI struggles to reclaim $1 peg: Will the stablecoin succeed?

Jessica Roberts

DAI struggled to maintain its dollar peg, with trading confined within a narrow range of the Bollinger Bands. Mixed indicators signaled ongoing …

Raducanu rejects Olympic wildcard but Murray in squad

Daniel Miller

Raducanu is ranked 209th in the world [Getty Images] Emma Raducanu has turned down the chance to play for Great Britain at …

Malawians pay tribute to vice-president killed in plane crash

David Turner

Tens of thousands of Malawians are taking part in a funeral service at the national stadium to pay tribute to the vice-president …