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Who were the victims of Maya sacrifice? Ancient DNA reveals an unexpected finding

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. The ancient …

Kevin McCarthy’s ‘revenge tour’ suffers embarrassment in its first outing

Amanda Smith

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s “revenge tour” suffered a flat tire in its first showing. McCarthy and his well-heeled allies are seeking …

North Carolina GOP pushes bill that could boost controversial nominee for governor

Amanda Smith

Mark Robinson has made inflammatory comments that could jeopardize his gubernatorial bid — and the GOP’s quest to gain complete statewide power …

Miley Cyrus says she ‘inherited narcissism’ from her father. Here’s what to know about the personality traits, disorder.

Olivia Martin

Miley Cyrus says she “inherited narcissism” from her father, fellow singer Billy Ray Cyrus. In a new episode of David Letterman’s Netflix …

Opposition party agrees to join SA unity government

David Turner

The leader of South Africa’s Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) says his party has agreed to form part of a government of national …

I retired in my 30s with a net worth of $2.5 million over a decade ago. Now, I’m going back to work at 46.

Jessica Roberts

Sam Dogen gave up financial freedom to give his family a bigger home.Courtesy of Sam Dogen Sam Dogen retired from his VP …

The Windows on Arm chip race heats up with a challenger to Qualcomm

Michael Johnson

Intel, Nvidia, AMD, and Qualcomm are the household names in chips — but in 2025, the popular but lesser known MediaTek might …

Ariana Grande says child stars should have ‘mandatory therapy’

Laura Davis

Ariana Grande, who first emerged as a young actress on Nickelodeon’s Victorious, is reflecting on her experience as a child star. During …