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VP contenders Burgum, Vance, Rubio asked for documents from Trump team

Amanda Smith

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign has begun the process of formally requesting information from a small handful of potential running mates, ABC …

Ultra-processed food faces regulatory scrutiny over health concerns

Rachel Carter

As shoppers study food labels amid renewed concerns about the health impacts of processed food, General Mills isn’t worried. After all, it’s …

Boeing Starliner astronaut Sunita Williams previously brought samosas and cultural items into space with her

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sunita Williams, an Indian American NASA astronaut aboard the Boeing Starliner on Wednesday morning, has been known to bring items representing her …

Putin warns Germany against delivering Taurus missiles to Ukraine

David Turner

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday warned Germany against delivering Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. “If […] any missiles appear that can …

Bank of Canada Cuts by 25 basis points, to 4.75% as Economy and Inflation Slowed. QT Continues

Jessica Roberts

Rate hikes seem to be more effective in Canada than in the US in slowing the economy and bringing down inflation. By Wolf …

Projected NBA lottery pick Nikola Topić has a torn ACL

Daniel Miller

A 6-6 point guard with high upside as a playmaker, Nikola Topić projected as a top-5 pick prior to his injury. (Srdjan …

How Trump-endorsed candidates did in primaries in Iowa, Montana, New Jersey and New Mexico

Amanda Smith

For many Republicans running for Congress in 2024, an endorsement from former President Donald Trump was the seal of approval they needed …

Google Maps Your Timeline on the web going away

Michael Johnson

Back in December, Google announced that Maps Location History would soon be stored on your phone instead of the cloud. This change …