
Vitamin May Extend Lifespan, New Research Suggests

Rachel Carter

Researchers at Japan’s Osaka University published a new study examining the relationship between germ cells, aging, and sex, finding that vitamin D ...

Robot System Reduces Eye Injections for AMD Patients

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers successfully used a custom-built robot to treat wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This minimally invasive treatment reduces the need for ...

Low-Birth-Weight Infants Linked to Later Cognitive Decline

Rachel Carter

Summary: Giving birth to low-birth-weight infants may be associated with memory and thinking problems later in life. The research, involving 15,323 women, ...

People Over 80 Reveal The Worries They Regret Having When They Were Young

Rachel Carter

Between financial troubles, relationship woes and health scares, there are plenty of worries throughout our lives. According to the American Psychological Association, ...

Youth caregivers are on the rise, but recognition and support aren’t.

Rachel Carter

Here and now: Help for caregivers For seven years, Pat Bailey and her siblings were caregivers during their mother’s Alzheimer’s battle. Fox ...

Scientists Identify 8 Lifestyle Factors That Can Slow Biological Aging

Rachel Carter

Recent research indicates that maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can positively impact biological aging and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and related ...

Ketones May Help Reverse Cognitive Decline

Rachel Carter

Summary: As we age, our brain naturally becomes more insulin resistant, disrupting neuron communication and leading to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration. Researchers ...

8 habits that may slow aging, reduce risk of death revealed

Rachel Carter

“Eight” your heart out. Researchers believe that adopting eight healthy behaviors — identified by the American Heart Association as Life’s Essential 8 ...

Study Links Key Nutrients to Slower Brain Aging

Rachel Carter

A novel study highlights the critical role of specific nutrients found in the Mediterranean diet in promoting brain health and slowing cognitive ...

He Solved a Medical Mystery and Finds a Key to Alzheimer’s Disease in Simple Amino Acid

Rachel Carter

A view over Guam’s coastal towns – Dorothy CC 2.0. For over decade, big pharma has been pouring billions into drug trials ...