
Cargo recovered from oldest known shipwreck in Mediterranean Sea

Dr. Sarah Adams

London — A routine oil and gas survey by an energy firm has uncovered cargo from the remains of what is believed ...

Excavating data from digs done decades ago and connecting with today’s communities

Dr. Sarah Adams

The ancestors of Alaska Native people began using local copper sources to craft intricate tools roughly 1,000 years ago. Over one-third of ...

‘Incredibly fascinating’ Roman, Iron Age and Bronze Age settlements unearthed in UK dig

Dr. Sarah Adams

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of Roman, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements in Essex, southern England, in findings described as “incredibly fascinating.” ...

Drawings found at Pompeii suggest children watched gladiators fight, plus executions

Dr. Sarah Adams

Children’s sketches of violent scenes of gladiators and hunters battling animals have been uncovered at the archaeological park of Pompeii, the park’s ...

Gold earring found in burned ruins of an Iron Age village may reveal ‘moment in time,’ archaeologists say

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. A two-story building burned ...

7,000 years ago, humans hunkered underground in lava tube caves with sheep, goats and art

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. People who lived ...

Archaeologists Uncover Mysterious Structure, Weaponry From Neolithic Era in France

David Turner

Archaeologists in France have uncovered a preserved settlement while investigating an area ahead of it being turned into a gravel pit. A ...

Underground hideout from nearly 2,000 years ago unearthed in Israel

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Ari Rabinovitch HUQOQ, Israel (Reuters) – Archaeologists in northern Israel have uncovered an immense underground hideout comprising narrow tunnels and bigger ...

Home renovation frozen in time reveals Roman building technique

Dr. Sarah Adams

Archaeologists excavating the site of Pompeii have uncovered an ancient building site, revealing Roman construction techniques used by builders at the time, ...

‘Britain’s Pompeii’ reveals Bronze Age village frozen in time

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. It’s late summer ...