battleground states

Biden courts Latino voters with ad blitz during Copa América soccer tournament

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s campaign is drawing up a new play to reach Latino voters in key battleground states during the ...

Democrats aim to give state legislative candidates — and Biden — a boost with $10 million investment

Amanda Smith

The arm of the national Democratic Party focused on state legislative races will spend more than $10 million to boost down-ballot candidates ...

Biden campaign plans robust push centered on reproductive rights ahead of Dobbs decision anniversary

Amanda Smith

The Biden campaign plans to mark the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision ...

How Turning Point, once spurned by the RNC, is becoming Trump’s ‘force multiplier’ in battleground states

Amanda Smith

DETROIT — When Donald Trump takes the stage in Detroit on Saturday, it will mark the second time in two weeks that ...

To beat Trump, Biden ‘must have’ the Rust Belt — plus Omaha

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden‘s most likely path to re-election is a narrow one that relies on the same three states that ...

Biden campaign launches Pride Month push as allies work to shore up LGBTQ support

Amanda Smith

President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is launching an effort at the start of National Pride Month to try to shore up support ...

Biden campaign speeds up efforts to get voters to pay attention to the presidential race

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — For months, President Joe Biden’s advisers have promised anxious Democrats that once checked-out voters begin to engage, he will gain ...

How the Biden campaign is tackling its Black and Latino voter problem

Amanda Smith

For months, polls have shown President Joe Biden losing support among Black and Latino voters, potentially handing former President Donald Trump a ...

Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden

Amanda Smith

A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, ...

America’s largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — The Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ rights group in the United States, is launching a $15 million commitment to ...