Binary stars

Ancient Black Hole Collision Spotted, Occurred Shortly After the Big Bang

Ancient Black Hole Collision Spotted, Occurred Shortly After the Big Bang

Dr. Sarah Adams

The cutting-edge Webb Space Telescope has spotted the most distant black hole merger yet, which occurred when the universe was just 740 ...

Astronomers close in on the mystery of the erupting Orion star system (video)

Astronomers close in on the mystery of the erupting Orion star system (video)

Dr. Sarah Adams

Astronomers have puzzled for 88 years about how a pair of binary stars have continued to erupt over the course of a ...

Ripples in Spacetime Reveal Mystery Object Colliding With a Star’s Corpse

Ripples in Spacetime Reveal Mystery Object Colliding With a Star’s Corpse

Dr. Sarah Adams

A leading gravitational wave observatory recently detected ripples in spacetime that scientists say came from the collision of a dead, superdense stellar ...

Mystery Object in Deep Space Is Confounding Astronomers

Mystery Object in Deep Space Is Confounding Astronomers

Dr. Sarah Adams

A team of scientists found a compact object 40,000 light-years from Earth that is either a very massive neutron star or an ...