
NASA astronauts’ return on Boeing’s spaceship has been delayed repeatedly

Dr. Sarah Adams

The two NASA astronauts who flew Boeing’s Starliner capsule to the International Space Station earlier this month have stayed in orbit much ...

NASA knew Boeing Starliner had issues before launch, leaving astronauts stuck at ISS: reports

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA and Boeing managers knew their Starliner rocket had a leak before launch but believed it was too small to pose a ...

Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck at International Space Station as engineers on Earth race against time to fix multiple problems

Dr. Sarah Adams

Boeing, we have a problem. The return trip to Earth for two NASA astronauts who rode to orbit on the trouble-plagued company’s ...

NASA has again delayed Boeing Starliner’s return to Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Boeing and ...

Boeing’s Starliner capsule took astronauts to space — now it needs to bring them back

Dr. Sarah Adams

The delays are not over for Boeing’s Starliner capsule. After years of delays, the aerospace giant finally launched the spacecraft earlier this ...

Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing’s spaceflight reputation hangs in the balance

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft ...

NASA, Boeing delay Starliner astronaut landing to June 26 amid thruster issues

Dr. Sarah Adams

The return to Earth of Boeing’s Starliner capsule will be delayed a few more days due to thruster troubleshooting and a scheduled ...

Starliner ISS stay extended to complete thruster and helium leak testing

Dr. Sarah Adams

WASHINGTON — NASA and Boeing have again extended the stay of the CST-100 Starliner at the International Space Station as engineers wrap ...

Starliner crew targets June 26 for return to Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

Boeing’s leak-prone Starliner capsule will remain docked to the International Space Station for an additional four days, NASA announced Tuesday, returning to ...

Boeing’s CEO is scheduled to field questions about plane safety from U.S. senators

Amanda Smith

U.S. lawmakers are expected to press Boeing’s chief executive Tuesday about the company’s latest plan to fix its manufacturing problems, and relatives ...