brain activity

Bilingual AI brain implant helps stroke survivor communicate in Spanish and English

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco have developed a bilingual brain implant that uses artificial intelligence to help a stroke ...

Misplace your keys? Don’t worry, forgetting is actually good for your brain –

Rachel Carter

If you’re one of those people who misplaces their keys and phone regularly, don’t be alarmed. It’s not a sign that your ...

In a future with more ‘mind reading,’ thanks to neurotech, we may need to rethink freedom of thought

Dr. Sarah Adams

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, never wrote things down. He warned that writing undermines memory – that it is nothing but a ...

Dogs can match some words with objects, study suggests

Dr. Sarah Adams

Dogs can understand that certain words refer to specific objects, according to a recent study, suggesting that they may understand words in ...

Study of polyglots offers insight on brain’s language processing

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – While most people speak only one language or perhaps two, some are proficient in many. These ...

Writing by hand may increase brain connectivity more than typing, study finds

Dr. Sarah Adams

Typing may be faster than writing by hand, but it’s less stimulating for the brain, according to research published Friday in the ...

Our sense of taste helps pace our eating – understanding how may lead to new avenues for weight loss

Dr. Sarah Adams

As a scientist who investigates hunger and weight control, I’m interested in the way our brains let us know we’ve had enough. ...

3 Things You Should Never Do In Order To Keep Your Brain Healthy

Rachel Carter

Maintaining a healthy brain is probably one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of aging as slowly and healthfully as ...

Weight Loss by Intermittent Fasting Can Alter Your Brain Activity

Rachel Carter

A popular diet regimen can cause permanent changes to both your brain and the bacteria in your gut, research has found. This ...