brain plasticity

The Brain Stores 10x More Info Than Thought

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: Researchers developed a method to measure synaptic strength, precision of plasticity, and information storage in the brain. Using information theory, researchers ...

Cartilage-Like Structures Key to Brain Plasticity

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study highlights a novel mechanism of brain plasticity involving chondroitin sulfate clusters outside nerve cells. Researchers identified these cartilage-like ...

How Daydreams Shape Our Brain’s Visual Response

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers made a breakthrough in understanding how daydreaming affects the brain. By studying mice, they discovered that neurons in the visual ...

Brain Brew: How Daily Coffee Habits May Affect Brain Plasticity and Learning

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers explore how chronic caffeine consumption potentially impacts brain plasticity and the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). The research ...

Unlocking Memory: Key Protein’s Role in Aging and Brain Plasticity Revealed

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study delves deeper into the workings of the protein TIMP2, crucial for hippocampal plasticity, an essential process for memory ...