Cell Press

Heat Waves Reduce Politicians’ Speech Complexity

Rachel Carter

Summary: High temperatures lead to simpler language in parliamentary speeches. Analyzing seven million speeches from 28,000 politicians, researchers discovered that heat negatively ...

Infant Microbiomes Dance to a Circadian Rhythm

Rachel Carter

Summary: Infant gut microbiomes develop circadian rhythms from as early as two weeks after birth, becoming more distinct as they age. The ...

Hereditary Alzheimer’s Transmitted Via Bone Marrow Transplants

Rachel Carter

Summary: Alzheimer’s disease, traditionally seen as a brain-centric condition, may have systemic origins and can be accelerated through bone marrow transplants from ...

Neural Decoding Unveils Secrets of Navigation

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: A new study combines deep learning with neural activity data from mice to unlock the mystery of how they navigate their ...

Researchers Discover Mice Mummies on “Mars-Like” Volcano Peaks

Dr. Sarah Adams

A study uncovered mummified mice on high-elevation Andean volcanoes, revealing that mammals can survive in extreme, Mars-like conditions. This finding challenges our ...