Constitutional Law u0026 Civil Rights

California law banning carrying guns in public places blocked by judge

Amanda Smith

Judge blocks California ban on open-carry firearms A federal judge temporarily blocked a California law aimed to ban carrying firearms in most ...

Judge rules Wisconsin’s 1849 law does not ban abortions

Amanda Smith

MADISON — A Dane County judge on Tuesday ruled that a 174-year-old law thought to prohibit abortion in Wisconsin does not, in ...

Ex-Louisville cop Brett Hankison’s federal trial ends in mistrial

Amanda Smith

‘We’re here for the long game’: Breonna Taylor’s family attorney on Hankinson mistrial Saying that the family of Breonna Taylor is disappointed ...

Supreme Court sides with Biden over controversial Missouri gun law

Amanda Smith

Conservatives had celebrated the law, arguing it established Missouri as a state with some of the most permissive gun laws in the ...