Defense Ministry

Poland eyes fortifications on its border with Belarus

David Turner

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Defense officials in NATO member Poland presented plans on Monday for fortifying its eastern border with Moscow ally ...

Deputy Chief of Russia’s General Staff Arrested for Bribery

David Turner

Updated with Peskov’s remarks, Investigative Committee statement. Russia has arrested a general on corruption allegations, state media reported Thursday, making him the fourth senior-ranking ...

Russia to hold simulated nuclear weapon exercises after heated Ukraine remarks

David Turner

Russia announces Monday it will be holding military exercises that simulate the use of nuclear weapons after some Western officials suggested there ...

Russia announces nuclear weapon drills after angry exchange with senior Western officials

David Turner

Russia plans to hold drills simulating the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the Defense Ministry announced Monday, days after the Kremlin reacted ...

Turkish warplanes strike Kurdish militant positions in Iraq after attack kills soldier, wounds 4

David Turner

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey carried out a new round of airstrikes targeting Kurdish militants in neighboring Iraq on Tuesday, Turkey’s defense ...

Ukraine launches far-ranging drone attacks on final day of Russia’s presidential vote

David Turner

Ukraine launched a new massive wave of drone attacks Sunday as Russians cast ballots on the final day of a presidential vote ...

Former MP Pashynskyi charged with illegal sale of state property

David Turner

Former Ukrainian lawmaker Serhiy Pashynskyi, along with his business partner and four other suspects, have been charged with misappropriation and sale of ...

Ukraine successfully rallying global support, new UK pact benchmark for partnership, says Zelenskyy

David Turner

Ukraine managed to maintain international attention in the “battle for its independence” in January, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during his ...

No clarity from Zelenskyy on revised mobilization bill

David Turner

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he “has not seen” the final draft of the revised mobilization bill the Defense Ministry is expected ...

Defense Ministry approves first body armor for female soldiers

David Turner

Women serving in the Ukrainian military will be provided with specially designed body armor for the first time, after Ukraine’s Defense Ministry ...