
Brain Molecular Changes In PTSD and Depression Revealed

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study reveals shared and distinct molecular changes in the brain and blood of individuals with PTSD and MDD. The ...

Beta Oscillations Key to Understanding Depression in the Brain

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study in rhesus macaques reveals how the brain regulates depression-like states. Researchers found that a specific brain circuit connecting ...

ADHD in women and girls: signs, symptoms and treatment

Rachel Carter

“It’s hard to know because, for so many years, women were neglected in the research. ADHD was considered a childhood condition associated ...

Growing numbers of patients are being left disfigured or disabled after taking Ozempic – and the NHS faces a £100 million-a-year bill to deal with problems like ‘melted candle’ skin

Rachel Carter

Top plastic surgeons are reporting a surge in patients seeking nip-and-tucks after rapidly losing weight on slimming jab Ozempic – and they ...

Designing a Semaglutide Study in Psychiatry, with Roger S. McIntyre, MD

Rachel Carter

Though its clinical benefit for cardiometabolic, renal, hepatic, and obesity medicine may seem too good to be true, the incretin therapy drug ...

Reciprocal Relationship Between Depression and Exercise

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers uncovered a reciprocal relationship between depression and physical activity in adults. The findings reveal that current depression symptoms can deter ...

Psychedelics Activate Serotonin to Produce Antidepressant Effect

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study advanced our understanding of how psychedelic drugs activate serotonin receptors to offer potential treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders. The ...

Virtual Reality Shows Promise in Treating Depression

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study demonstrates the potential of virtual reality (VR) in treating major depressive disorder (MDD). Using extended reality-enhanced behavioral activation ...

6 mood-boosting foods to try, according to dietitians

Olivia Martin

Anyone who has ever found comfort in certain foods like ice cream or a bowl of pasta after a tough day or ...

Psilocybin Effective as Antidepressant – Neuroscience News

Rachel Carter

Summary: Psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, is notably more effective at alleviating depression symptoms than conventional controls. Analyzing seven trials ...