
Scientists Unveil the True Origins of Welsh Dragons – New Fossil Evidence Changes History

Dr. Sarah Adams

A major fossil discovery in Wales reveals early dinosaurs lived on a tropical lowland by the sea over 200 million years ago. ...

Scientists Discover Potential Origin of the First “Warm-Blooded” Dinosaurs

Dr. Sarah Adams

Recent research indicates that some dinosaurs might have developed the ability to internally regulate their body temperature during the early Jurassic period, ...

Footprints in China suggest new megaraptor that roamed with dinosaurs

Dr. Sarah Adams

An international team of researchers estimated that the fossilized footprints found in China were left by a dinosaur that would be among ...

New Research Reveals That Dinosaurs Were Not As Smart as We Thought

Dr. Sarah Adams

Image of a T. rex skeletal cast at Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Germany. T. rex lived at the end of the Cretaceous (about ...

T. rex is at the center of a debate over dinosaur intelligence

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Surmising even the physical appearance of a dinosaur – or any extinct animal – based on ...

A New Study Shakes Up Ecological Theories

Dr. Sarah Adams

Nanuqsaurus, standing in the background, and pachyrhinosaurus, skull in the foreground, were among the dinosaur species included in a new study led ...

Growing quickly helped the earliest dinosaurs and other ancient reptiles flourish in the aftermath of mass extinction

Dr. Sarah Adams

It may be hard to imagine, but once upon a time, dinosaurs didn’t dominate their world. When they first originated, they were ...

“Once-in-a-Million-Years” – Scientists Discover Strange Fossils of Duckbill Dinosaurs in Morocco

Dr. Sarah Adams

Minqaria bata was around the size of a pony (3-4 meters long) and closely resembles the European species of duckbill dinosaur. Credit: ...

French man found dinosaur fossil while walking his dog

Dr. Sarah Adams

World News By Alyssa Guzman Published March 6, 2024, 7:47 p.m. ET A French man was on an everyday stroll with his ...

Forget what you saw in Jurassic Park! Hilarious images reveal what scientists thought dinosaurs looked like in the 1800s

Dr. Sarah Adams

This month marks 200 years since the discovery of the Megalosaurus Scientists used to think dinosaurs walked on all fours and were ...