
‘Super Cool’ Mapping Tracks Down Tiny Invaders

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists in search of insects can spend 1,000 hours checking roughly 10,000 trees across 40 acres. Or, with a more convenient ...

Kids Have a Shaky Sense About Alexa’s Feelings

Michael Johnson

Young children don’t have a great sense about whether smart devices such as Alexa and Siri have feelings like us, a ...

Massive Reserve of Ice Found Near Equator of Mars

Dr. Sarah Adams

Deep beneath Mars’ equator lies what is believed to be a supply of frozen water that, if melted, would cover the ...

Wearing Hearing Aids Could Be a Lifesaver

Rachel Carter

People with hearing loss overwhelming opt not to wear hearing aids, but a new study makes a strong case for scheduling ...

More Pregnant, Postpartum Women Dying of Overdoses

Rachel Carter

A January study found mortality rates for pregnant women and new mothers worsened during the pandemic, and a new study zeroes ...

AI Can Predict How Drunk You Are

Rachel Carter

Start practicing your tongue twisters, because artificial intelligence might be judging your sobriety on how well you recite them soon. At ...

Geologists Have Found ‘Lost Continent’ of Argoland

Dr. Sarah Adams

Before you congratulate yourself on finding your lost keys, know that scientists have located an entire lost continent, piecing together a longstanding ...