Earth Sciences

Negative leap second may be needed to adjust for Earth spinning slower

Dr. Sarah Adams

Leap seconds are added because if Earth is rotating slower over millions of years then a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minute would ...

MSU digs up hidden, buried bottles as part of Beal Seed Experiment

Dr. Sarah Adams

In 1879, botanist William J. Beal filled 20 bottles with soil and seeds and buried them on what is now MSU’s campus ...

Band of seals attack great white shark off coast of Africa

Dr. Sarah Adams

Giant seal pod goes on offense against hungry great white shark A seal pod on the coast of South Africa banded together ...

Climate change effects threaten sharks, studies find. Here’s why.

Dr. Sarah Adams

The ocean’s most feared but fascinating predators face increasing dangers from the world’s warming oceans, scientists found in two international studies released ...