
Imagination Reduces Disgust More Than Placebo

Rachel Carter

Summary: A recent study compared the effects of a placebo pill and an imaginary pill in reducing visually induced disgust. Both interventions ...

Unlocking Sleep’s Role in Emotional Health

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study illuminated the mechanisms by which sleep aids in processing emotional memories, crucial for mental health. The research synthesizes ...

New Study Unravels Emotional Processing in Depression

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers shed light on how individuals with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) process emotions differently due to abnormalities in the amygdala and prefrontal ...

How the Brain Regulates Emotion

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study provides a novel understanding how the human brain regulates emotions, distinguishing between emotion generation and regulation. By analyzing ...

Decoding Emotions: Beyond Senses in the Human Brain

Rachel Carter

Summary: A new study explores how the human brain constructs emotions, regardless of sensory input. By analyzing brain activity in individuals with ...

Live Music’s Unique Spark: A Brain’s Emotional Journey

Rachel Carter

Summary: Live music significantly amplifies emotional responses in the brain compared to recorded tunes. By measuring amygdala activity, researchers found that live ...

Smiling Alters Emotional Perceptions – Neuroscience News

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers discovered that a brief, electrically induced smile can make neutral faces seem happier, a revelation that holds promise for understanding ...