
From $1,000 in savings to bringing in $25M/year

Jessica Roberts

The firm’s legacy dates back to her great-great grandfather Moses, a skilled brick maker who originally came to the U.S. as a ...

The moment I knew I wouldn’t succeed in corporate America

Jessica Roberts

He felt confident he was building important relationships. Then, his boss unkindly told him to knock it off. “I start to cry ...

Drybar founder Alli Webb struggled with depression as business thrived

Laura Davis

“I knew my life was going to change forever,” Webb, 48, tells CNBC Make It. But a thriving business isn’t always a ...

My frozen dumpling company brings in millions per year

Jessica Roberts

That upbringing taught Liu Spellman the value of sharing authentic Chinese cuisine and inspired her to open her first Dumpling Daughter storefront ...

From cooking in prison to lucrative restaurant

Jessica Roberts

Fatima’s Grill, which opened in 2016, serves up a fusion of Mediterranean and Mexican-American cuisines — think a “shawarma crunch wrap” with ...