
‘Bizarre’ Finding Changes the Way We Think About Human Evolution

Dr. Sarah Adams

Human evolution might be more “bizarre” than we once thought, according to a new study. In the past, scientists believed that hominin ...

A New Study Shakes Up Ecological Theories

Dr. Sarah Adams

Nanuqsaurus, standing in the background, and pachyrhinosaurus, skull in the foreground, were among the dinosaur species included in a new study led ...

Unlocking the Secrets of Life With RNA’s Ancient Code

Dr. Sarah Adams

New findings from the Salk Institute provide strong evidence for the RNA World hypothesis, revealing an RNA enzyme that accurately replicates and ...

Unlocking Human Brain Evolution – Neuroscience News

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: Researchers made a significant discovery in the study of human brain evolution, identifying epiregulin as a key factor in the expansion ...

Scientists Decipher DNA’s Mysterious Hidden Rules Across Species

Dr. Sarah Adams

New research has unveiled that “Random DNA” is actively transcribed in yeast but remains largely inactive in mammalian cells, despite both organisms ...

Revolutionary Fossil Find Unveils the Secrets of Early Human Movement

Dr. Sarah Adams

Recent research on the fossil ape Lufengpithecus’s inner ear structures offers new clues to the evolutionary steps towards human bipedalism, revealing the ...

It’s time to admit that genes are not the blueprint for life

Dr. Sarah Adams

DNA sequencing has become routine, but the roles of individual genes can be hard to be pin.Credit: Peter Menzel/SPL How Life Works: ...

Ancient Skulls Unveil Secrets of Human Bipedalism

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: A recent study using three-dimensional CT scans of the 6-million-year-old ape, Lufengpithecus, offers new insights into the evolution of human bipedalism. ...

Female Animals Grow Bigger Brains, Males Bigger Antlers

Dr. Sarah Adams

While it’s hard to overlook the giant antlers and horns that animals like moose and rams wave around, researchers recently made ...

A giant tyrannosaur from the Campanian–Maastrichtian of southern North America and the evolution of tyrannosaurid gigantism

Dr. Sarah Adams

Brusatte, S. L. et al. Tyrannosaur paleobiology: New research on ancient exemplar organisms. Science 329, 1481–1485 (2010). Article  ADS  CAS  PubMed  Google ...