food tasty

Foods & Drinks Causing Achy Joints, According to Doctors

Rachel Carter

All three doctors say that the best diet for people with inflammatory arthritis (such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout) is an anti-inflammatory ...

Crucial Signs for Early Colonoscopy Screening

Rachel Carter

“People at higher risk [due to] family history or symptoms should have [a] colonoscopy,” Ness said. But if you’re 45 or older ...

How Much Salt Is Too Much Salt When It Comes To Your Health?

Rachel Carter

Although most people consume too much salt, some conditions require more salt. However, before increasing your salt intake, Khera emphasized that “these ...

The 5 Worst Foods for Cholesterol, According to Experts

Rachel Carter

“I would be happy if I could tell you that it all depends on the food we eat,” Avenatti said. “But, unfortunately, ...