galaxy clusters

Scientists find galaxy supercluster as massive as 26 quadrillion suns

Dr. Sarah Adams

Astronomers have discovered a cavalcade of monster galaxy superclusters, incredibly massive collections of galaxies and galaxy clusters in the universe. The most ...

Major X-ray sky survey could relieve crisis surrounding the universe’s ‘lumpiness’

Dr. Sarah Adams

A new analysis of how galaxy clusters evolved over the 13.8-billion-year history of the cosmos could help solve a long-standing tension surrounding ...

‘Trainwreck’ galaxy reflects the aftermath of a violent galactic collision (image)

Dr. Sarah Adams

A team of astronomers became a crew of cosmic crash scene investigators while studying wreckage left behind by two galaxies that smashed ...

Dark matter data salvaged from balloon-borne telescope that landed hard on Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

A NASA telescope that launched on a football-stadium-sized balloon earlier this year lost communication with Earth and suffered damage upon landing in ...

These small galaxies were shredded by their larger siblings — but they survived

Dr. Sarah Adams

While galaxies appear to be lonely wanderers in the vast universe, many in fact huddle closely in clusters, held together by their ...

James Webb Space Telescope reveals distances of nearly 200 deep-space galaxies

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has helped astronomers determine the distance to nearly 200 galaxies and galaxy clusters formed in the universe’s ...