Gitanas Nausėda

Lithuanian President Nausėda on track for second term in run-off vote

David Turner

Ballots are being counted in Lithuania after voters took to the polls on Sunday for a run-off presidential election that pitted the ...

Lithuanians vote in presidential election overshadowed by Russia

David Turner

By Andrius Sytas VILNIUS (Reuters) – Lithuania holds presidential elections on Sunday, with incumbent Gitanas Nauseda expected to win after a campaign ...

Lithuanian president is the front-runner as country heads to runoff vote in two weeks

David Turner

VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) — Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda won the most votes in a weekend presidential election, officials said Monday, but he ...

Lithuania holds a presidential vote as anxieties rise in the Baltics over Russia and war in Ukraine

David Turner

VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) — Lithuania is holding a presidential election on Sunday at a time when Russian gains on the battlefield in ...