
Glioblastoma Drug Resistance Pathway Identified

Dr. Sarah Adams

Summary: Researchers identified a key signaling pathway, PI3K-beta, responsible for chemotherapy resistance in glioblastoma. Blocking this pathway makes tumor cells more sensitive ...

Novel mRNA Vaccine Shows Promise Against Deadly Brain Cancer

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers introduced a new mRNA cancer vaccine that rapidly activates the immune system against glioblastoma, the deadliest form of brain tumor. ...

CAR-T Trial Targets Glioblastoma Brain Cancer

Rachel Carter

Summary: Researchers initiated a pioneering clinical trial using an advanced form of CAR-T therapy, enhanced by synthetic notch (synNotch) technology, to treat ...

Brain’s Fluid Shield May Dim Cancer Treatments: Old Drug Offers Hope

Rachel Carter

Summary: Cerebrospinal fluid, our brain’s protective liquid, may be making brain cancers like glioblastoma more resistant to treatments. These findings indicate that ...