Halley's Comet

‘Devil comet’ is about to make its closest approach of Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. An unusual horned ...

Look up for the dazzling Eta Aquariid meteor shower

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. May kicks ...

Eta Aquarid meteor shower peak could spawn over 100 ‘shooting stars’ per hour this weekend

Dr. Sarah Adams

It has been 38 years since Halley’s Comet last passed through the inner solar system. This famous comet takes roughly 75 years to ...

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, debris of Halley’s comet, peaks this weekend. Here’s how to see it

Dr. Sarah Adams

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, remnants of Halley’s comet, peaks this weekend. And with just a waning crescent moon ...

When is it and what to expect?

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Will Dunham (Reuters) – Meteors will be streaking across the sky as Earth passes through dusty debris in space left by ...

Rare ‘devil comet’ to appear in Earth’s skies through April solar eclipse

Dr. Sarah Adams

WASHINGTON (TND) — The devil may not be coming down to Georgia this year, but he is coming in a rare comet ...

Debris from a near-Earth comet could create new meteor shower this week

Dr. Sarah Adams

Earth may experience an entirely new meteor shower this December when our planet enters a stream of the debris left around the ...

The Orionid meteor shower peaks this weekend. Here’s how to see it

Dr. Sarah Adams

During these next several days, if you happen to be outside prior to the break of dawn and are looking up and ...