hard water

Boiling, Filtering Water Can Get Rid of Microplastics, Study Finds

Dr. Sarah Adams

A new study finds that boiling and then filtering tap water can remove up to 90 percent of microplastics. Minute particles of ...

Do I really need to descale my coffee pot and tea kettle?

Olivia Martin

If like so many people your day begins with a jolt of caffeine, you undoubtably have a tea kettle or coffee maker ...

This shower head filters hard water — and it’s on sale for $17

Olivia Martin

Showering should feel revitalizing, but that’s not always the case with hard water. Never dealt with it? Hard water can leave a ...

Skin and hair SOS: Tips to water-wise habits for radiant beauty | Health

Rachel Carter

Traditional wisdom links good skin to a healthy diet and hair health to various hair care rituals, such as henna and massaging ...

This shower head actually filters the water — and it’s down to $21

Olivia Martin

Showering should feel revitalizing, but that’s not always the case when hard water leaves behind an almost slimy residue on your skin. ...