
Doctor reveals how hearing loss can affect your health

Rachel Carter

Your best friend’s voice on the phone. Crashing waves at the beach. Music festivals and the roar of the subway. Sound makes ...

Chronic Ear Infections Linked to Language Delays in Children

Rachel Carter

University of Florida research shows that chronic ear infections in early childhood can lead to significant language and auditory processing issues later ...

Wearing Hearing Aids Could Be a Lifesaver

Rachel Carter

People with hearing loss overwhelming opt not to wear hearing aids, but a new study makes a strong case for scheduling ...

15 lifestyle risk factors for young-onset dementia revealed

Rachel Carter

Health By Alex Mitchell Published Dec. 26, 2023, 8:18 p.m. ET Researchers have identified 15 lifestyle and health risk factors for a ...

Tinnitus Linked to Hidden Undetected Auditory Nerve Damage – A Step Towards a Cure

Rachel Carter

Researchers at Mass Eye and Ear have linked tinnitus, a condition affecting over 10% of adults worldwide, to undetectable auditory nerve loss. ...

How Hearing Loss Rewires the Brain

Rachel Carter

Researchers found that hearing loss in older adults is linked to brain changes in areas related to sound processing and executive functions, ...