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Space debris from SpaceX Dragon capsule crashed in the North Carolina mountains. I had to go see it (video)

Dr. Sarah Adams

Spaceflight doesn’t typically come to mind when one thinks of North Carolina’s serene, verdant mountains. It’s true that, in the early 1960s, ...

See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

Dr. Sarah Adams

May’s full moon delighted skywatchers as it shined brightly in the spring sky and we’ve got the photos to prove it. May’s ...

Here we go again — new sunspot regions emerge, strong solar flare recorded

Dr. Sarah Adams

All eyes have now shifted to the eastern limb of the sun, as a strong X2.9-class flare fired off from newly numbered ...

Jaw-dropping northern lights from massive solar flares amaze skywatchers around the world. ‘We have a very rare event on our hands.’ (photos)

Dr. Sarah Adams

An aurora show like no other is playing out in the night sky this weekend as a historic northern lights display spawned ...

Happy National Astronaut Day 2024! Holiday’s founder talks importance of honoring America’s spaceflyers (exclusive)

Dr. Sarah Adams

Happy National Astronaut Day 2024! As the inspiring President and CEO of Uniphi Good, music industry fixture Annie Balliro has presided over ...

Astrophotographer captures the Running Chicken Nebula in impeccable detail

Dr. Sarah Adams

Image 1 of 2 The Running Chicken Nebula captured by astrophotographer Rod Prazeres Image 2 of 2 running man nebula and white ...

‘Devil Comet’ 12P/Pons-Brooks reaches peak brightness tonight. Here’s how to see it

Dr. Sarah Adams

The “Devil Comet” will reach peak brightness this weekend as it passes near the sun. The comet, also known as 12P/Pons-Brooks, visits ...

The Lyrid meteor shower peaks this weekend, but don’t expect much this year

Dr. Sarah Adams

Come Monday morning, April 22, the first good meteor shower in nearly four months reaches its peak: The annual Lyrid meteors. Unfortunately, ...

Watch ‘Devil Comet’ approach the sun during explosive coronal mass ejection (video)

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA’s space-based solar observatory STEREO-A is keeping a close eye on ‘Devil Comet’ 12P/Pons-Brooks as it prepares to make its closest approach ...

‘Astrobiodefense:’ Thinktank calls for defending Earth from space bugs

Dr. Sarah Adams

An artist’s depiction of a Mars sample-return mission. NASA is set to offer its response to that hard-hitting report issued last September ...