Infectious Diseases

As bird flu runs rampant through dairy farms, concern grows

Rachel Carter

Bird flu has already spread to wild birds, chickens and mammals, including a polar bear and an alpaca. The more widespread it ...

Flesh-eating bacteria with ‘terrifying’ mortality rate is spreading in Japan

Rachel Carter

A disease caused by a rare “flesh-eating bacteria” that can kill people within 48 hours is spreading in Japan after the country ...

Bird flu has spread to dairy farms in 12 states. Data remains thin.

Rachel Carter

Avian influenza has been found in a dozen states this spring. So far, only farmworkers are at risk. But not protecting them ...

Hundreds of ‘zombie’ deer with CWD killed on Texas’ RW Trophy Ranch

Rachel Carter

State kills hundreds of North Texas rancher’s deer to contain fatal disease The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department shot and killed about ...

4.2M Iowa chickens infected, flock to be culled

Rachel Carter

Bird flu affecting dozens of dairy herds The latest bird flu outbreak has affected more than 60 dairy herds since late March, ...

How long is hand, foot and mouth disease contagious?

Rachel Carter

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a viral illness known for its rash, mouth sores, and slightly raised red spots or white ...

Brain worms hit family gathering after they eat black bear meat: CDC

Rachel Carter

A rare parasite hit six relatives at a May 2022 family gathering where they ate undercooked black bear meat. That led to ...

How Body Lice Could Rewrite the History of the Black Death

Rachel Carter

New research indicates human body lice are highly efficient at spreading the plague, potentially reshaping our understanding of historical pandemics, including the ...

Why China’s top Covid expert is studying climate change to prepare for the next global pandemic

Rachel Carter

In 2020, Zhang was appointed leader of Shanghai’s clinical expert team for Covid-19, becoming a household name and central figure in the ...

New Research Shows H5N1 Bird Flu Can Transmit Through Air

Rachel Carter

Researchers at Penn State have demonstrated the airborne transmission of a new H5N1 virus strain in ferrets, marking a potential evolution of ...