Inkatha Freedom Party

ANC and DA agree on S Africa unity government

David Turner

South Africa’s governing party, the African National Congress (ANC), has reached a deal with the main opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) to form ...

South Africa political parties cobble together unity government as deadline to elect president looms

Amanda Smith

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South African lawmakers are expected to elect the country’s president on Friday after being sworn in at the first ...

Opposition party agrees to join SA unity government

David Turner

The leader of South Africa’s Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) says his party has agreed to form part of a government of national ...

The ANC dilemma which will determine South Africa’s future

David Turner

South Africa’s governing African National Congress (ANC) is faced with a tricky dilemma which will determine the future of the country after ...

South Africa’s main opposition party rallies support as it concludes election campaign

David Turner

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South Africa’s main opposition party Democratic Alliance on Sunday made its final appeal to South Africans to help it ...