James Hansen

New UN weather agency chief says rate of global warming is speeding up

Dr. Sarah Adams

BALTIMORE (AP) — The new chief of the World Meteorological Organization said it looks to her that the rate of human-caused climate ...

The world successfully tackled a dangerous pollutant. But did it accidentally warm the planet in the process?

Dr. Sarah Adams

The huge cargo ships that criss-cross the world’s oceans sometimes leave “tracks” in their wake — long, wispy clouds that trail through ...

A critical climate goal may be ‘deader than a doornail,’ and scientists are bitterly divided over it

Dr. Sarah Adams

For years, the fight against climate change has been symbolized by one number: 1.5. Ever since countries agreed in 2015 to an ...

Pioneering scientist says global warming is accelerating. Some experts call his claims overheated

Dr. Sarah Adams

One of modern climate science’s pioneers is warning that the world isn’t just steadily warming but is dangerously accelerating, according to a ...