James Webb Space Telescope

Webb Space Telescope Cracks Case of Puffy “Microwaved Marshmallow” Exoplanet

Dr. Sarah Adams

The warm gas giant WASP-107 b, known for its unusually low density and moderate temperature, may have its puffed-up atmosphere due to ...

Ancient Black Hole Collision Spotted, Occurred Shortly After the Big Bang

Dr. Sarah Adams

The cutting-edge Webb Space Telescope has spotted the most distant black hole merger yet, which occurred when the universe was just 740 ...

Webb Finds Atmosphere on Rocky Exoplanet For the First Time

Dr. Sarah Adams

Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, scientists may have identified atmospheric gases on 55 Cancri e, a super-hot, rocky exoplanet. This discovery ...

James Webb Space Telescope chief scientist Jane Rigby receives highest US civilian award

Dr. Sarah Adams

When I sat down with Jane Rigby last month, in an upper-floor conference room at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis — a quiet ...

A failed star and an ammonia trail could reveal how some giant exoplanets form

Dr. Sarah Adams

Astronomers now have a way to figure out how gas-giant planets form, thanks to a discovery by the James Webb Space Telescope ...

Astronomers finally detect a rocky planet with an atmosphere

Amanda Smith

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Astronomers have searched for years for rocky planets beyond our solar system with an atmosphere – ...

James Webb Space Telescope suggests supermassive black holes grew from heavy cosmic ‘seeds’

Dr. Sarah Adams

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has observed light from stars surrounding some of the earlier supermassive black holes in the universe ...

Webb Maps Weather on Extreme Exoplanet WASP-43 b

Dr. Sarah Adams

This artist’s concept shows what the hot gas-giant exoplanet WASP-43 b could look like. WASP-43 b is a Jupiter-sized planet circling a ...

James Webb Space Telescope forecasts clouds of melted rock on this blisteringly hot exoplanet

Dr. Sarah Adams

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has performed a weather report for a distant planet. The powerful space telescope forecasts extreme wind ...

NASA releases ‘unprecedented’ Horsehead Nebula image captured by James Webb Space Telescope. What to know about the stellar nursery.

Dr. Sarah Adams

The world’s most powerful space telescope, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, has just released the sharpest infrared images to date of the ...