
NASA calls off astronauts’ spacewalk over ‘spacesuit discomfort’

Dr. Sarah Adams

WASHINGTON — NASA said a “spacesuit discomfort issue” forced the cancellation of a planned spacewalk outside the International Space Station by two ...

Cancer patients often do better with less intensive treatment, new research finds

Rachel Carter

BALTIMORE — Scaling back treatment for three kinds of cancer can make life easier for patients without compromising outcomes, doctors reported at ...

Babies exposed early to peanuts less apt to develop the allergy later

Rachel Carter

SALT LAKE CITY — Parents who start feeding peanut products to their children very early, from infancy to age 5, help drastically ...

Forget Ozempic and Wegovy — Utahns embracing natural solution to boost GLP-1

Rachel Carter

It’s all over the internet and maybe even in your own neighborhood: a celebrity, friend or neighbor who’s had sudden changes to ...

Gen Z is deleting dating apps. Here’s what Utah-based app Mutual is trying

Michael Johnson

LEHI — Believe it or not, Generation Z is tired of scrolling — especially if it’s on a dating app. Recent reports ...

HPV vaccine provides real benefits for men, analysis shows

Rachel Carter

CHICAGO — Vaccination of boys and men against the human papillomavirus reduces their risk of head and neck cancers and other malignancies, ...

Memorial Day travel could be busiest ‘in almost 20 years,’ AAA says

Jessica Roberts

SALT LAKE CITY — Nearly 44 million Americans are expected to travel at least 50 miles from home this Memorial Day weekend, ...

Should you be worried about the ringing in your ears?

Rachel Carter

It’s not uncommon to experience ringing in your ears after you’ve been to a loud concert or sporting event, but you may ...

Walgreens May Owe You $918—What to Know

Sarah Wilson

Walgreens will pay up to $918 to Americans who applied to work at the drugstore chain but were turned down because of ...

How bird flu could threaten cow cuddling. Yes, it is a thing

Rachel Carter

MONEE, Illinois — Farmer Luz Klotz straightened the brightly striped hair bow on Reba, a 1,600-pound heifer lounging on the ground under ...