Kaja Kallas

Mark Rutte will be NATO’s next secretary-general – POLITICO

David Turner

Rutte will take over NATO’s leadership at a critical time. His new job will begin by Oct. 2, just over a month ...

EU leaders fail to agree on von der Leyen’s second term  – POLITICO

David Turner

In the wake of the European election, an early consensus emerged around Germany’s von der Leyen for a second term as European ...

We have no Plan B if Ukraine falls, says Estonia

David Turner

Estonia considers itself a front-line state, a Nato member where its border guards stare across the Narva River at the Russian fortress ...

Estonian secret service says Russia is preparing for confrontation

David Turner

Russia is preparing itself militarily for a confrontation with the West, the Estonian secret service said in a report released on Tuesday ...

Russia loses war if Ukraine’s allies give just 0.25% of their GDP to Ukraine’s effort – Estonian PM

David Turner

If Ukraine’s partners donated just 0.25% of their GDP to Ukraine’s struggle against Russia, this would “win the war”, said Estonian Prime Minister Kaja ...

EU leaders approve Ukraine accession talks, bypassing Orbán – POLITICO

David Turner

European leaders have approved the opening of accession negotiations for Ukraine, European Council President Charles Michel announced Thursday. The announcement comes at ...