Kristina Karamo

Trump sweeps the delegates at Michigan’s GOP convention caucuses

Amanda Smith

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Former President Donald Trump swept Michigan’s complicated and chaotic Republican convention caucuses in dominant fashion here Saturday, NBC ...

Michigan Republicans prepare for fraught delegate convention

Amanda Smith

Michigan Republicans are gathering in Grand Rapids for a convention they hope will be less fraught than the last four months of ...

Judge affirms ouster of Michigan Republican Party leader Karamo

Amanda Smith

Kristina Karamo was properly removed as chair of the Michigan Republican Party, a judge said Tuesday, the same day that voters participated ...

Why Michigan’s presidential primary isn’t the same for Democrats and Republicans

Amanda Smith

Michigan’s presidential primary is straightforward for Democrats: 117 delegates are up for grabs Tuesday in a state President Joe Biden favored moving ...

Confused About Michigan’s Primary and Convention? You’re Not Alone.

Amanda Smith

The political spotlight will be on Michigan on Tuesday when voters there cast primary ballots, and then again four days later when ...

A fight between pro-Trump factions in Michigan undercuts Republicans in a key 2024 state

Amanda Smith

WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Republican Party was deep in debt when a longtime party donor who had given more ...

Michigan’s GOP Nominating Process Appears Headed For Chaos

Amanda Smith

As early in-person voting began on Saturday in Michigan, a fight for control of the GOP in the crucial battleground state plunged ...

RNC recognizes Pete Hoekstra as the new Michigan Republican Party chair

Amanda Smith

The Republican National Committee has recognized former Rep. Pete Hoekstra as chairman of the Michigan GOP — a move aimed at settling ...

Michigan Republicans Hold Disputed Vote to Remove Party Leader

Amanda Smith

Simmering tensions within the Michigan Republican Party boiled over Saturday, with some party officials voting to remove their embattled chair, Kristina Karamo, ...

Michigan Republicans vote to remove chair Kristina Karamo as she promises not to accept result

Amanda Smith

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan Republicans have voted to remove state GOP Chair Kristina Karamo during a meeting Saturday after many of the ...