Marco Rubio

On Immigration, Biden Attempts to Replicate a Powerful Obama Moment

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — In the summer before a tough reelection contest in 2012, President Barack Obama was losing support from Latino voters who ...

City and state chart uninspired courses

Amanda Smith

Jun. 16—If not for convicted felon Donald Trump, the politics of summertime would be entirely predictable. Waste and redundancy remain central parts ...

Trump Is Thinking About His Debates. And His Running Mate’s, Too.

Amanda Smith

Soon after two overheated Ohio Republicans stood chest-to-chest trading taunts on the debate stage in 2022, Donald Trump watched a video of ...

Supreme Court blocks ‘Trump too small’ trademark bid referring to crude joke

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday rebuffed a California lawyer’s attempt to trademark the phrase “Trump too small,” a reference to ...

Supreme Court rejects ‘Trump too small’ trademark appeal in free speech case

Amanda Smith

The Supreme Court has denied an attempt to trademark the phrase “Trump too small” for T-shirts, in a case that didn’t directly ...

Trump campaign steps up vice presidential vetting efforts

Amanda Smith

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump ‘s campaign has begun requesting information from his potential vice presidential candidates, sending vetting ...

Trump’s VP search accelerates

Amanda Smith

Donald Trump’s search for a running mate is intensifying, as the former president awaits sentencing on felony charges and prepares for next ...

Marco Rubio is quiet-auditioning for the role of Trump’s vice president

Amanda Smith

Sen. Marco Rubio is a leading contender for Donald Trump’s vice president pick in 2024, per a new report. The New York ...

Where the VP contenders stand on Trump’s biggest issue: From the Politics Desk

Amanda Smith

Welcome to the online version of From the Politics Desk, an evening newsletter that brings you the NBC News Politics team’s latest ...

Sen. Marco Rubio won’t commit to accepting 2024 election results

Amanda Smith

Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio, widely seen as a potential vice presidential pick for former President Donald Trump, on Sunday refused to ...