Mars Sample Return

Episode 112 —Mars on Pause?

Dr. Sarah Adams

On Episode 112 of This Week In Space, Rod and Tariq talk with Rob Manning, Chief Engineer Emeritus of NASA’s Jet Propulsion ...

The Mars Sample Return mission has a shaky future, and NASA is calling on private companies for backup

Dr. Sarah Adams

A critical NASA mission in the search for life beyond Earth, Mars Sample Return, is in trouble. Its budget has ballooned from ...

Episode 107 — Mars Sample Return Blues

Dr. Sarah Adams

On Episode 107 of This Week In Space, Rod and Tariq talk with journalist Leonard David about NASA’s troubled Mars sample return ...

‘Astrobiodefense:’ Thinktank calls for defending Earth from space bugs

Dr. Sarah Adams

An artist’s depiction of a Mars sample-return mission. NASA is set to offer its response to that hard-hitting report issued last September ...

‘The bottom line is $11 billion is too expensive’

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA is looking for a new way to get its precious Mars samples back to Earth. Those samples are being collected by ...

NASA rethinks plan to return rare Mars samples to Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. NASA is seeking ...

Thousands of strange white rocks found on Mars. Will they ever be brought to Earth?

Dr. Sarah Adams

Mars’ rusty red surface may have given it its famous “Red Planet” status, but it would also appear that thousands of white ...

Precious samples from Mars have been collected. Now it’s up to Congress to get them back

Dr. Sarah Adams

Editor’s Note: Jonathan Lunine is the David C. Duncan professor in the physical sciences at Cornell University. He served on the NASA Mars ...

China targets 2030 for Mars sample return mission, potential landing areas revealed

Dr. Sarah Adams

HELSINKI — China is making progress towards a 2030 launch for its Tianwen-3 Mars sample return mission and has narrowed down potential ...

Final NASA 2024 spending bill defers decision on MSR funding

Michael Johnson

WASHINGTON — Congressional appropriators have released a final fiscal year 2024 spending bill that cuts NASA funding from what the agency received ...