
Brewers’ visit to Fenway will be a homecoming for outfielder Sal Frelick

Sarah Wilson

“That kid, he’s got the ‘it’ factor,” Brewers manager Pat Murphy said. “We’ve thrown a lot at him since he’s been here. ...

Study: Maternal mortality rates may be overestimated, but there are still too many deaths

Rachel Carter

An apparent spike in maternal mortality rates in the US has been raising alarm in the last few years. According to data ...

Experts say Vince McMahon’s NDAs may not be enforceable

Laura Davis

Non-disclosure agreements have played a big role in Vince McMahon’s fall from grace. The fact the money he paid women to sign ...

A chair atop a house in New Jersey captivated thousands on Facebook

Rachel Carter

AUDUBON, New Jersey − A chair fell in South Jersey, and 13,000 people heard it. Perched precariously on the exposed top floor ...