men and women

Women eat less meat than men. But should they?

Olivia Martin

For better or worse, some stereotypes hold true, including, according to a new study, that men eat more red meat than women. ...

It’s not your imagination. Men really do eat more meat than women, study says

Dr. Sarah Adams

CHICAGO (AP) — Vacationing in Chicago this week from Europe, Jelle den Burger and Nirusa Naguleswaran grabbed a bite at the Dog ...

The Life Expectancy Gap Between Men and Women Is the Widest Its Been in Decades

Rachel Carter

It’s hardly a secret that women generally live longer than men. But the gap in life expectancy between men and women in ...

The gender gap in life expectancy is widening — in women’s favor. Here are 5 reasons why.

Olivia Martin

Women have long been projected to outlive men — not just in the U.S. but around the world, both in more developed ...