
Long Beach declares public health emergency for tuberculosis outbreak

Rachel Carter

Long Beach reports tuberculosis outbreak Long Beach health officials are sounding the alarm after a tuberculosis outbreak at a local hotel. Fox ...

Why do some people hoard? What causes hoarding?

Rachel Carter

A psychologist explains how to improve your emotional health Clinical psychologist Dr. Ali Mattu explains how emotional health can impact your mental ...

What the science says about periods and mental health

Rachel Carter

PMS, food cravings, “period flu,”: Anybody who menstruates knows from experience that the monthly cycle can have a profound impact on the ...

Schizophrenia service dogs are helpful, but hard to get. Here’s why.

Rachel Carter

Dogs may lessen risk of Schizophrenia Having a dog during childhood can affect a person’s mental health later in life. Buzz60’s TC ...

What causes prosopometamorphopsia, the rare ‘demon-face’ syndrome PMO

Rachel Carter

Victor Sharrah had always been a social person, but for the past three years, he’s found himself more withdrawn. That’s because ever ...

Muscle dysmorphia, ‘bigorexia’ are severe problems, thanks to TikTok

Rachel Carter

Runner shares powerful message about body positivity “All bodies are good bodies.” Mirna Valerio is encouraging other women to feel confident in ...

Post-COVID, depression, anxiety-related prescriptions see major uptick

Rachel Carter

How long should anxiety be treated with medication? Dr. Mattu answered a commonly asked question regarding how long someone should be on ...

CDC head aims to fix U.S. divisiveness about public health.

Rachel Carter

CDC director Mandy Cohen on COVID response Mandy Cohen, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, talks about their role ...

What are narcissists like in bed?

Rachel Carter

Tips to manage a relationship with a narcissist Relationship expert Dr. Ramani explains if a relationship with a narcissist is worth the ...

Diagnoses of mental health and behavioural conditions have surged since Covid

Rachel Carter

A total of 1.6million children are now classed as disabled, up a third since Covid Almost 140,000 children received payments for behaviour ...