Mexican authorities

Irregular crossings of US-Mexico border fall by half after December’s record high

Amanda Smith

Non-authorized crossings by people into the United States along the US-Mexico border have dropped by more than 50% compared with record high ...

Where 3 Dead Tourists Were Found Fast, Thousands Remain Missing

Sarah Wilson

When two Australian brothers drove down to Mexico’s northwest coast from San Diego last week with their American friend, they were looking ...

What to know about Texas’ clash with the Biden administration over Border Patrol access

Amanda Smith

McALLEN, Texas (AP) — Texas’ refusal to allow Border Patrol agents into a park along the U.S.-Mexico border is a new marker ...

Family buries sailor lost in Acapulco storm after painful wait

Amanda Smith

By Jose Luis Gonzalez ACAPULCO, Mexico (Reuters) – After days of uncertainty, Mexican authorities turned over the body of Jose Ramiro Castro, ...