Michelle Steel

Most California Republicans in competitive congressional races are silent on Trump’s conviction

Amanda Smith

Most of the Republican candidates for Congress in California’s most competitive districts reacted to the news of former President Trump’s historic criminal ...

California’s closely watched House primaries offer preview of battle to control Congress

Amanda Smith

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Voters settled House primaries across California this week, with all eyes on a handful of swing districts whose ...

House Republicans Seek Political Cover Behind Useless IVF Resolutions

Amanda Smith

House Republicans are all talk and no action on protecting Americans’ access to in vitro fertilization, after the Alabama Supreme Court granted ...

With Roe Gone, Some House Republicans Back Away From National Abortion Ban

Amanda Smith

WASHINGTON — In 2021, Rep. Michelle Steel, R-Calif., whose district President Joe Biden won in 2020, co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act, ...

Here are the 6 California Republicans up for reelection whose competitive districts could determine the House majority in 2024

Amanda Smith

The road to the House majority will play out in a set of highly-competitive California contests. The GOP has faltered in statewide ...

California Republicans in swing districts backed Trump ally Jordan for speaker

Amanda Smith

He built his brand on being a roaring archconservative unafraid to take on liberals. He was a pioneer of this new right-wing ...