Michigan Republican Party

Trump expected to highlight murder of Michigan woman in immigration speech

Amanda Smith

By Tim Reid and Nathan Layne (Reuters) – Donald Trump is expected to highlight the murder of a young Michigan woman and ...

Judge affirms ouster of Michigan Republican Party leader Karamo

Amanda Smith

Kristina Karamo was properly removed as chair of the Michigan Republican Party, a judge said Tuesday, the same day that voters participated ...

A fight between pro-Trump factions in Michigan undercuts Republicans in a key 2024 state

Amanda Smith

WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Republican Party was deep in debt when a longtime party donor who had given more ...

Michigan Republicans Hold Disputed Vote to Remove Party Leader

Amanda Smith

Simmering tensions within the Michigan Republican Party boiled over Saturday, with some party officials voting to remove their embattled chair, Kristina Karamo, ...

GOP committee members vote to remove Karamo at contested meeting

Amanda Smith

Members of the Michigan Republican State Committee voted Saturday to remove the state party chair, Kristina Karamo, saying it is time to ...

Mutiny Erupts in a Michigan GOP Overtaken by Chaos

Amanda Smith

LANSING, Mich. — The mutiny took hold on Mackinac Island. The Michigan Republican Party’s revered two-day policy and politics gathering, the Mackinac ...