
Sharper Than Ever – Io’s Volcanic Surfaces Revealed by New Telescope Technology

Dr. Sarah Adams

Jupiter moon Io, imaged by SHARK-VIS on January 10, 2024. This is the highest resolution image of Io ever obtained by an ...

NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Reveals Dynamic Shifts on Europa’s Frozen Surface

Dr. Sarah Adams

Jupiter’s moon Europa was captured by the JunoCam instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft during the mission’s close flyby on September 29, 2022. ...

Surprising Oxygen Insights From Europa’s Close Flyby

Dr. Sarah Adams

This view of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa was captured by the JunoCam imager aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft during the mission’s close flyby ...

Titan, Saturn’s Largest Moon, Most Likely Not Habitable

Dr. Sarah Adams

This poster shows a flattened (Mercator) projection of the Huygens probe’s view of Saturn’s moon Titan from 10 kilometers altitude. The images ...

Unveiling the Secrets of Jupiter’s Fiery Moon Io

Dr. Sarah Adams

This image revealing the north polar region of the Jovian moon Io was taken on October 15 by NASA’s Juno. Three of ...