National Institutes of Health

Surprising Evolutionary Insights Revealed by First Complete Chromosome Sequences From Great Apes

Dr. Sarah Adams

Researchers have sequenced the complete X and Y chromosomes of several great ape species, revealing significant evolutionary variations, especially in the rapidly ...

Study shows differences in kids’ brains who have the disorder

Rachel Carter

Children with ADHD have notably different brain functioning when they’re resting than children who don’t have the neurological disorder, according to a ...

Ozempic reduces severity of liver disease in people with HIV, study shows

Rachel Carter

(Reuters) -A weekly injection of semaglutide was safe and reduced the amount of fat in the liver by 31% in people with ...

Long COVID research hasn’t yet produced results, as millions suffer

Rachel Carter

Long COVID patients testify on Capitol Hill for more support The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions heard from people ...

Major cause of maternal mortality diagnosed too late. Here’s why.

Rachel Carter

A leading cause of maternal mortality often goes unnoticed. By the time it’s diagnosed, it’s sometimes too late to stem the damage.  ...

Opioid overdoses rising among teens. Why is inpatient care so rare?

Rachel Carter

Alarming rate of drug overdose deaths among children in Cook County UCLA researchers have released new data indicating that death rates among ...

Medical Meditation? Clinical Yoga? Alternative Therapies Go Mainstream.

Rachel Carter

The doctor is in. So is the yogi. A sharp shift in health care is taking place as more than one-third of ...

This One Simple Diet Change Could Transform Your Blood Pressure

Rachel Carter

New research shows that reducing dietary sodium significantly lowers blood pressure in individuals, regardless of whether they have hypertension or are on ...