Neutron Star

Are stars vanishing into their own black holes? A bizarre binary system says ‘yes’

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists have discovered strong evidence that some massive stars end their existence with a whimper, not a bang, and sink into a ...

Watch 2 gorgeous supernova remnants evolve over 20 years (timelapse video)

Dr. Sarah Adams

When we picture what’s in deep space, we often think of static images — colorful composites of distant objects like nebulas and ...

Giant gamma-ray flare from ‘recently deceased’ magnetar lights up Cigar Galaxy

Dr. Sarah Adams

Astronomers believe they have found a rare, massive flare that erupted from an extremely magnetic dead star, or magnetar, that was bright ...

One of the universe’s most ‘extreme’ dead stars just sprang back to life unexpectedly

Dr. Sarah Adams

The universe’s most extreme stars just got a little bit more unexpected and mysterious. Scientists were astounded when they witnessed a “dead” ...

Mystery of Where Gold and Platinum Come From Deepens After Gargantuan Cosmic Explosion

Dr. Sarah Adams

In October 2022, an extremely bright flash caught the attention of the Gemini South telescope in Chile. It was quickly determined to ...

Gravitational waves reveal 1st-of-its-kind merger between neutron star and mystery object

Dr. Sarah Adams

Astronomers announced on April 5 that they may have detected a collision between a neutron star and a lightweight mystery object — ...

Ripples in Spacetime Reveal Mystery Object Colliding With a Star’s Corpse

Dr. Sarah Adams

A leading gravitational wave observatory recently detected ripples in spacetime that scientists say came from the collision of a dead, superdense stellar ...

‘Vampire’ neutron star blasts are related to jets traveling at near-light speeds

Dr. Sarah Adams

A neutron star is the remains of a massive star that once died in a supernova explosion. As a whole, neutron stars ...

Scientists may finally know why this infamous supernova wears a ‘string of pearls’

Dr. Sarah Adams

Scientists may have discovered how a supernova that sits relatively close to Earth came to be adorned by a remarkable “string of ...

Scientists identify neutron star born out of supernova seen in 1987

Dr. Sarah Adams

By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) – When a star up to 20 times the mass of our sun exploded in a nearby ...