
What is the keto diet? Weight loss diet explained

Rachel Carter

A keto diet may slow down Alzheimer’s disease A recent study by the University of California, Davis, suggests that a ketogenic diet ...

Flavonoid-rich foods, drinks linked to lower diabetes risk

Rachel Carter

This news may make your day matcha better. Consuming a lot of flavonoid-rich foods and drinks such as green tea, berries and ...

8 habits that may slow aging, reduce risk of death revealed

Rachel Carter

“Eight” your heart out. Researchers believe that adopting eight healthy behaviors — identified by the American Heart Association as Life’s Essential 8 ...

Can Taking Breaks Enhance the Benefits of a Keto Diet?

Rachel Carter

A study from UT Health San Antonio reveals that a long-term ketogenic diet may cause cell aging in organs like the heart ...

Does lemon water help you lose weight? Experts weigh in

Rachel Carter

TikTok trend suggests Ozempic interfering with birth control pills Ozempic is just the latest weight loss drug trend sweeping onto the scene. ...

Study Links Key Nutrients to Slower Brain Aging

Rachel Carter

A novel study highlights the critical role of specific nutrients found in the Mediterranean diet in promoting brain health and slowing cognitive ...

Dietitian reveals cow’s milk, soy milk to be healthiest milks

Rachel Carter

Skim, coconut, cashew, almond, oat, soy — store shelves are rich with milk options these days. Now, a registered dietitian is naming which ...

What Scientists Say About the Viral Atlantic Diet

Rachel Carter

You’ve heard of the Mediterranean diet, but what about its cousin: the Atlantic diet? Since the start of 2024, the Atlantic diet ...

Pumpkin seeds are the healthiest seeds to eat: dietitians

Rachel Carter

They’re squashing this longtime debate. Two NYC-based dietitians have declared pumpkin the healthiest seed, thanks to their zinc, iron, protein, and fiber ...

What’s Actually in Your Supplements? Scientists Uncover Hidden Ingredients and Questionable Claims

Rachel Carter

A recent study reveals that some supplement companies might be misleading customers by making unproven health claims and adding undeclared ingredients. The ...