
NASA says alignment won’t be visible on June 3

Dr. Sarah Adams

If you’re wanting to see a parade of planets, experts say later this month may be better for viewing an actual celestial ...

NASA finds potentially habitable Earth-sized exoplanet, Gliese 12 b

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA says that Gliese 12 b, about 40 light years away, could help researchers understand the habitability of other planets across the ...

NASA simulations show what it would be like to fall in black hole: Video

Dr. Sarah Adams

Available on YouTube, the four visualizations include explanations to guide viewers on what they’re witnessing and include 360-versions to allow viewers to ...

Here’s what they really are

Sarah Wilson

The Mars orbiter images appear to suggest that the Red Planet has succumbed to an infestation of creepy crawlies, but what’s really ...

The Lyrid meteor shower will peak on April 21, April 22: What to know

Dr. Sarah Adams

Lyrid meteor shower to peak on the night of Earth Day If you’re looking for a way to celebrate Earth Day, how ...

Solar storm hitting Earth could cause Midwest to see northern lights

Dr. Sarah Adams

Northern Lights spectacle: The science behind the aurora borealis Ever wonder how the northern lights occur? Unique solar events occasionally allow northern ...

Odysseus moon lander tipped over, will lose power in hours

Dr. Sarah Adams

The private U.S. spacecraft made it to the moon Thursday and ushered in a new era of lunar missions since NASA’s Apollo ...

Total solar eclipse in April will be last visible in U.S. until 2044

Dr. Sarah Adams

The next total solar eclipse in the United States, the first in seven years, will arrive this spring.  If you missed the ...