
NASA’s New ‘Hybrid Antenna’ Boosts Links to Deep Space

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA outfitted its aging communications network with a hybrid antenna that allowed it to receive both radio frequency and laser signals for ...

NASA beamed a video of a cat named Taters from deep space to Earth

Dr. Sarah Adams

In a successful demonstration of new laser communications capabilities, beamed an ultra-high definition video across 19 million miles of space from its ...

Adorable Cat Video Reaches Earth After 19-Million-Mile Journey from Deep Space

Dr. Sarah Adams

NASA just combined all of my favorite things: space, lasers, and cats. In a first-of-its-kind demonstration of deep space optical communication, the ...

NASA’s Psyche captures its “first light,” continues testing other instruments

Dr. Sarah Adams

15 On Dec. 4, the cameras of NASA’s Psyche spacecraft took their first images 26 million kilometers away from Earth. This milestone, ...

NASA receives laser-beamed message from 10 million miles away

Dr. Sarah Adams

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. An innovative experiment ...

NASA’s robotic prospectors are helping scientists understand what asteroids are made of – setting the stage for miners to follow someday

Dr. Sarah Adams

The cars, cellphones, computers and televisions that people in the U.S. use every day require metals like copper, cobalt and platinum to ...